Did you know that July is National Anti-Boredom Month?
During the summer, it's easy for kids to get complacent and fall victim to the “Summer Slide.” Summer has traditionally rest-time for students, in past generations we spent summer going to the mall/park/etc. with our friends and doing mindless activities, and today children still do these things with added elements of social media and video games limiting organic interfacing. All of these activities, past and present, do nothing to reinforce the work put into learning material from school and in today’s time, also limit the amount of in-person socialization that is so important for proper development.
While socializing is important, it is also important to maintain the knowledge and drive for learning that was built up during the previous school year. Yes, summer is supposed to be a break, and we all know that after this past year it is much needed. However, I would argue that since this last year was so difficult and so different it is even more important to reinforce learning for maximum retention.
With that being said, Last week I provided a list of ideas for activities, and this week I want to provide a list of resources for your children that offer fun and stimulating academic activities both online and outside:
Math resources:
• https://www.nctm.org/classroom-resources/Calculation-Nation/
• https://www.funbrain.com/math-zone
Reading resource:
• https://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/
Writing resource:
• https://www.weareteachers.com/writing-apps-for-kids/#skills
History resource:
• https://www.learningliftoff.com/5-summer-history-learning-activities-for-kids/
Science resource:
• https://www.science-sparks.com/summer-science/
I encourage you to consider participating in these activities! With everything returning to normal, and schools opening up for next year (fingers crossed), we teachers are very excited to hit the ground running. We want to make sure your students have the materials they need to succeed and it is so encouraging to know that they are continuing their innate fervor for knowledge during their time away from school.
If you have any resources you would like to share with the Genny of all Trades family, let me know! I would love to hear from you on my Instagram.
Have a great week everyone!